...since I last posted something on my blog!
I think you might have noticed. I didn't write a post for so long for several reasons: I spent a week with my best friends Eline and Annabell. And from the 31st of July until the 13th of August I was on holidays. I spent 2 weeks with my parents and brother on the island of Albarella in the delta of the Po, just south of Venice, Italy.

It was a nice holiday, but it didn't end in a very nice way. We actually booked until the 15th of August, but we had some bad luck on Friday the 13th. When we came back from a short trip to the town Rosolina, we wanted to turn into our street but discovered this was full of water. My dad, brother and I thought it was quite funny, but my mom didn't like it and stayed in the car while we walked to the house through the water. Luckily the water was only up to our terrace and our house was dry! Eventually my mom also came and we had lunch as normally while we watched the water went down. We were very relieved that it was nearly over. But then it started to rain really hard again. The water came higher and higher and when it came up to our terrace and it was still raining we decided to bring our stuff upstairs. Not much later the water started coming into our house. My dad called the information point and they said they would send a technician. We never saw any technician. After about an hour we saw a firefighter outside, but he just talked to our neighbours and disappeared again. We started our journey back home when the water had been in our house for at least 2 hours. As we left the island we saw the first firefighters coming with their equipment to take away the water. Very Italian...
I wasn't happy to leave 2 days early, but it was practically impossible to stay in the house. There was 5 - 10 cm of water on the bottom floor, we didn't have any electricity and couldn't flush the toilet. Even when the water is gone there will still be a smell in the house.