H&M wishlist
These are the things I like from the new spring collection:
Review: 'The Böögg'
I don't know if it's still available, since it was a special Christmas product, but if you see it and you like bath ballistics it's worth buying!
Merry Christmas!
This was the first card I received, and it came all the way from Australia! It's not my favourite one, because I don't like advertisement cards that much, but it does smell good and it has cute stamps with koalas on the back.
As you can see this one came from Dortmund, Germany. I like this one very much, because I like seeing the cities where the other postcrossers are from!
This card came from a city called Arkhangelsk, in Russia. This is my favourite of the three, because I like cities by night. It also has very nice stamps on the back, with bears on them!
I hope that I will receive some more cards soon, but I also want to send some more myself. However, I think it's hard to find nice postcards that aren't too expensive. Does anybody know a webshop with nice cards, or maybe a shop in the area of Leiden?
I'm too tired to really think of what to write now, because I had christmas gala yesterday night. I was in bed at 2 (okay not so late, I agree) and had to get out again at 7:30. The gala was okay, but the music was horrible and partying is still not something I really enjoy, I'd rather go to a nice concert. Today a few friends and I sold cupcakes and baklava for 'Actie Paardenkracht', where students from my school get a free afternoon to raise money in this case for Ethiopia. We raised about 47 euros, so not that much, but I think that every little bit helps!
I promise I'll write a more interesting post this weekend! :]
Boys Like Girls
I went to Boys Like Girls in Eindhoven last Friday with my friend Kim, it was great and I can't wait till they come back to The Netherlands! If you haven't heard of them, you should look them up on youtube, one of my favourite songs is 'Learning To Fall'. Some pictures I took at the concert, sorry for the bad quality but the camera I took with me isn't very good:
Cupcakes with Oreos
The recipe came from the book '500 cupcakes' from Fergal Connolly, a lovely book with tons of yummy cupcakes!
This recipe will make approximately 18 cupcakes. I'm sorry if not everything is clear, I translated it from Dutch, and I don't know all the baking jargon in English.
For the cupcakes
230 g soft butter
230 very fine sugar
230 g selfrising baking flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
4 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
10 crumbled/crushed double chocolate cookies (i.e. Oreos or similar cookies)
For the icing
600 g powdered sugar (sieved)
230 g soft butter
Pinch of salt
10 crumbled/crushed double chocolate cookies (i.e. Oreos or similar cookies)
Warm up the oven to 175 degrees celsius or gas setting 2-3. Put 18 cupcake/muffin forms in the muffin bakingplate. Put all ingredients for the cupcakes except the crushed cookies in a big bowl and use a mixer to mix them for 2-3 minutes so you get a light-coloured, creamy batter. Carefully scoop (so not using the mixer but using a spoon!) the cookie crumbles through the batter. Put the batter in the cupcake forms and bake for 20 minutes. Take the baking plates out of the oven and let them cool down for 5 minutes. After that, take the cupcakes out and let them cool down.
For the icing, mix the powdered sugar with butter and salt using a mixer. Put some icing on each cupcake and sprinkle some cookie crumbles over them.
The powdered sugar used in the icing is a huge amount, therefore just slowly add the powdered sugar until you like the icing.
If you made them, tell me if you liked them!
I love London
I absolutely love London. I've only been there a few times, of which I only remember the last time I went, because I was too young before that. Last years' trip made me fall in love with the city. I can't really define what it is that made me fall in love, but I think it's a combination of the atmosphere, the people, the shops and the language. London is just a lot nicer than any city in The Netherlands, and if you've never been there it's time to go soon! I hope to be visiting this gorgeous city again next year, and then I'll make a decision on whether I will follow a full university course there, or only spend a year of my study there.
If you visit London I really recommend Camden Market, this used to be a horse market (if I'm right?) and now there are loads of little stalls that sell alternative clothing, music merchandise and many other things. In the same area there are also more alternative shops, such as a Criminal Damage shop. So if you like alternative styles: go to Camden Market.
Do you also like London as much as I do or do you have another favourite city?
Review: 'The Comforter'

When I got my first bubble bar slice, I didn't really know how to use it. I simply crumbled some of it into my bath water, but all that happened was a slight change in colour in the water. Then I found out you need to crumble the bubble bar slice under the running tap. When I did that, I got heaps and heaps of foam. And you don't need to crumble the whole bar, a little bit will do. If you use it correctly, The Comforter really does what it promises!
So if you are ever having a bad day, go to Lush, buy this bubble bar slice and have a warm bath. It really will make you feel better.
If you want to you can also use The Comforter under the shower, I think if you rub some into one of those puffy sponges you will also get a bit of foam.
The Comforter Bubble Bar Slice costs 6.95 euros for 200 g. You should be able to take about 10 baths with one bubble bar slice.
Dr. Martens
At first sight Dr. Martens shoes may look really ugly and big, not shoes a girl or woman should be wearing. But at the moment these type of shoes are coming back into the fashion scene, and many girls and women enjoy wearing them! As long as you combine Dr. Martens in the right way, they can look fashionable and add something to your look instead of making you look like you are off to a building site. You can wear Dr. Martens like you would wear any other type of boot, with skinny jeans and a top in grunge/rock style. I can also tell you that they are quite comfortable, but if you are used to wearing vans/sneakers every day (like me) it will take a while to get used to proper boots like these.
I have this boot, the 1460 8-Eye in Black Smooth:
MTV Europe Music Awards
Hello there :]
For my new followers:
I'm Loes, 16 years old and I live in Oegstgeest, a small town in The Netherlands. I'm 100% Dutch, even though I spent 7 years of my life in Hamburg, Germany. At the moment I'm in the first year of the Diploma Programme of the IB, if you are also an IB student you probably know that that means that there will be times when I can't blog very much (although I hope that I can always post something at least once a week). In 2 years time I would like to be studying in London (you might have guessed that I love London by looking at my header) or somewhere else in the UK or The Netherlands. I enjoy writing, and I would like to become a journalist. Beside that I also like photography, listening to music, reading and just chilling/chatting with friends.
If you want to know more, feel free to ask :]
I will probably be blogging about a lot of different things, just things that pop to my mind. They can be related to music, photography, my view on fashion, baking, anything really.
Picture from http://wollye.tumblr.com/page/85
Today was the last day of my testweek, and I had my geography test. I think it went okay, but not perfect. My math test yesterday was the worst of the whole week, pretty much the whole class was confused on the non-calculator part and so was I. But I think I did okay on the part where we could use a calculator.
I love how I can relax, and do anything I want after such a busy week full of studying. All I do is sit behind the computer and just look around on the internet, listening to music. This is so much better than studying! What do you do to relax after a busy week?
Did you see the kitten? I wish I had such a cute kitten!
Cute Hats
Winter is coming up, that means it's time to buy warm clothes.
I already have a new jacket which I ordered from H&M a few weeks ago, but I still want a new hat, scarf and gloves to go with it.
Today I found a few cute hats on the website of River Island, but they don't ship to The Netherlands which is stupid. But I will go and look in a River Island shop as soon as I see one!
These are the hats, aren't they adorable?
Follow my blog even if you don't have an OnSugar account!
Simply create an account on www.bloglovin.com and you can follow any blog, it will show all the updates of all the blogs you are following on bloglovin'!
Photo from weheartit.com - http://www.tumblr.com/tumblelog/phineypel
It's Halloween tomorrow! I used to love celebrating Halloween at my old school in Hamburg. In junior school all the students and teachers came to school dressed up and we had a great party with loads of finger food in class! I remember dressing up as a witch several times, but also once as a hippie. I still love dressing up, but sadly my testweek is starting this Tuesday so I need to study and I can't celebrate Halloween. Besides, here in The Netherlands barely anybody celebrates it...
Are you celebrating Halloween?
IB survival tip
A few days ago I was googling some thing about CAS, when I came across a website called IB Survival. I opened it and looked around a bit, and decided to register. On IB Survival you can discuss anything about the IB program with other students from all over the world who know exactly how you feel! So whenever you are not sure about how to study or how to write your world literature assignment, you can ask other students on IB Survival. And if you don't need help there are plenty of other things to do.
So, if you are an IB students experiencing difficulties surviving the IB or you just want to talk to other students you can check out www.ibsurvival.com :]
This week (Tuesday and Wednesday to be precise) I went to Bonn, Germany for a night with my mother and brother. My dad works there three days a week, and we'd never seen his appartment or been to the city itself. On Tuesday evening we had dinner at Vapiano, and especially my desert was delicious! It was a so-called 'Mitarbeiter special' meaning it was the idea of a employee at Vapiano. It was a combination of cream with orange flavour, blueberries and cantuccini (those delicious Italian cookies!) arranged in a cup in layers. If you ever see it at Vapiano, give it a try! It's really yummy :]
On Wednesday my dad had to work. My mother, brother and I went to have breakfast at a bakery and then took the u-bahn to the center. My brother and I sleep on pillow sized 80x80 cm, which they don't sell in The Netherlands. So we bought those in the Galleria Kaufhof. I also got a new set of bedlinnen. I decided to have a look at the calendars, because they have so many in Germany, and then I saw a really big one of London! We bought it and I'm probably getting it for Sinterklaas, but I can't wait to have it hanging in my room! I also finally got the Arthur und die Minnimoys 2 DVD, with Bill's voice yes!
I really liked Bonn, eventhough I was there for such a short time, and so did my mom and brother. So we're defenitely planning to again some time. :]
Do it yourself beauty evening!
Are you also sick of using beauty products full of chemicals or do you want to use something else than your normal products? In the summer, one of my best friends Eline gave me some great ideas for a nice do-it-yourself beauty evening! They are really simply, and you might already know them. All you need is some salt (normal sea salt will do, but don't use salt that is too fine because you won't be able to scrub), olive oil, yoghurt, honey and a shower or bath.
First, put some salt into a cup or small bowl. Estimate out an amount that is enough for the area you want to scrub (if you're only scrubbing your face you obviously won't need as much as when you are also doing your legs and arms). Carefully add a little olive oil to the salt and mix it with a spoon. Add more until the mixture has the texture of a scrub. Now your scrub is ready!
Now take another cup or small bowl. Pour a sufficient amount of yoghurt (again, take enough for the area you want to use it on) into the bowl. Now take some honey. Add about 2-4 teaspoons (according to the amount of yoghurt you are using), stir and add more if needed. Now your mask is ready!
You can use your scrub and mask on just your face, but I used it over my whole body. First, scrub the areas you want to, then take away the scrub and cover the areas in the yoghurt-honey mixture. The yoghurt and honey will make your whole skin feel like new. Don't forget to put cream on your face and put body lotion on your body afterwards so your skin stays soft.
IB is killing me
I haven't posted in ages again, but I simply haven't been behind the computer very much. About 5 weeks ago I started DP1, the first year of the Diploma Programme of the IB. I really want to get good grades, so I have been spending quite a lot of time on school. And it will go on like this until May 2012, when I have my final exams.
Yes I will survive (I guess), but I just have to put some effort into it to get the grades I want and that means I do not have so much time left over for blogging and the computer in general.
I will try to blog something at least once a week from now on! :]
Today I found out about postcrossing. Postcrossing is all about sending and receiving postcards to and from strangers living all over the world. After getting an account on www.postcrossing.com, you can request an address. You then get a random address from a postcrosser somewhere in the world. In my case it was a 30 year old woman from France. By looking at their profile you can see what type of card they'd like to get. Since the woman likes cooking I chose a card with a cupcake on the front. You then write something on the card (don't forget the postcard ID!) and send it. Once the receiver registered your card, a postcrosser somewhere in the world will get your address and you will get a card from them.
Isn't it amazing? I love getting cards, and it's even more amazing to get cards from all over the world :]
Start postcrossing too on: www.postcrossing.com
It's been a long time...
...since I last posted something on my blog!
I think you might have noticed. I didn't write a post for so long for several reasons: I spent a week with my best friends Eline and Annabell. And from the 31st of July until the 13th of August I was on holidays. I spent 2 weeks with my parents and brother on the island of Albarella in the delta of the Po, just south of Venice, Italy.
It was a nice holiday, but it didn't end in a very nice way. We actually booked until the 15th of August, but we had some bad luck on Friday the 13th. When we came back from a short trip to the town Rosolina, we wanted to turn into our street but discovered this was full of water. My dad, brother and I thought it was quite funny, but my mom didn't like it and stayed in the car while we walked to the house through the water. Luckily the water was only up to our terrace and our house was dry! Eventually my mom also came and we had lunch as normally while we watched the water went down. We were very relieved that it was nearly over. But then it started to rain really hard again. The water came higher and higher and when it came up to our terrace and it was still raining we decided to bring our stuff upstairs. Not much later the water started coming into our house. My dad called the information point and they said they would send a technician. We never saw any technician. After about an hour we saw a firefighter outside, but he just talked to our neighbours and disappeared again. We started our journey back home when the water had been in our house for at least 2 hours. As we left the island we saw the first firefighters coming with their equipment to take away the water. Very Italian...
I wasn't happy to leave 2 days early, but it was practically impossible to stay in the house. There was 5 - 10 cm of water on the bottom floor, we didn't have any electricity and couldn't flush the toilet. Even when the water is gone there will still be a smell in the house.
Goal met!
I haven't blogged for quite a long time again... it's just way to warm to sit behind the computer. With this weather I spend my time outside, sunbathing or reading.
In the meantime I have reached one of my goals from my 101 in 1001 list! It's goal number 28: Give my brother a Green Day related birthday present. My brothers birthday was on the 20th of June and I looked up a nice picture of Green Day and had it printed out as a poster. It turned out really nice and my brother was happy with it!
I have also made progress with some other goals. For example with goal 4. Read 50 books. I have finished 2 books. It's not much I know, but at least it's a start. Also, I am moving closer to completing goal 57. Finish part 1 (0 - 5 km) of Start to Run. I have 3 lessons left, so if all goes well I will be completing that goal in 1 1/2 weeks from now!
Finally my summer holidays have started! Well.. officially my last day is the 2nd of July. But I only have to come to school 3 times between now and then, to get my grades, bring back my books and on the last day for the closing ceremony. Today I had my last 2 tests, Business and Math. Math went suprisingly well, and Business went quite well too. In the afternoon I went to Leiden with some friends. Ofcourse we went to Starbucks! I had a Java Chip Frappucino, I wanted to try that coffee-based for so long (I had it without coffee last year, when I had my first Starbucks ever in Hamburg) but everytime I asked they didn't have it. Now they had it so I tried it, and it was delicious. After that we did some shopping, I didn't buy anything though.
Tomorrow evening I'm going to a party of a girl from my class who is leaving to finish her school at boarding school in Denmark. I don't know if the party will be fun since most people in my class are party animals that like to get drunk and I'm not into that sort of stuff. But I think that shouldn't really matter. A friend of mine that's also going also doesn't drink much, so I think I'll survive.
This post is probably boring you to death so I'm going to stop here. I will try to post some more interesting stuff in the summer holidays. That reminds me, I should take pictures of our 'new' living room and post them here! I love our sofa, because it's a lot bigger than the one we had before. The other things also turned out very nice. But I'll show you pictures later!
Finally the summer has come to Holland! In the last few days the weather has been great, it's really sunny and warm. Maybe even a little too warm if you sit in the sun. But I'm loving it! I spent the whole of yesterday outside because we had sportsday, which I usually don't like but it was okay because the weather was so nice. Today I also spent a lot of time outside, and tomorrow I probably will again!
But I can't enjoy the weather too much, because I also have homework to do. I have to work hard for school for 2 1/2 more weeks, because then the term and the testweek are finally over! I can't believe the summer holidays are so close, and yet so far because there's still A LOT of work to do... I'll be so happy once all the projects and tests are done and I can relax until the end of August. Then I will be starting DP1, starting the last 2 years of my IB. I will work hard those last 2 years, because I want to graduate with really good grades so I have the option of going to a university like Oxford or Cambridge. At the moment I wouldn't pick such a university because the language courses they give seem much to literature-based for me. But I want to keep my options open and I know I can get a very good diploma!
101 in 1001
Have you ever heared of the Day Zero Project? I think it's a great challenge! You set yourself 101 goals that you want to meet by the end of 1001 days. I have tried to start this a few times before, but now I seriously want to try hard to reach my goals. The first time I tried, I forgot about the list later. But now you can make an account on www.dayzeroproject.com and make a list of your goals there. You can also write notes with the goals and click on a little tick next to them to say you are in progress of reaching the goal or you actually reached the goal.
I will try to blog about my progress regularly! Ofcourse I won't stop blogging about other things, but I think that if I have an 'audience' it's easier to get through the 1001 days. You can find my goals on www.dayzeroproject.com/user/Loeszie. You can also follow my progress there. But I will post my goals here as well.
I actually started last Monday, so I still have 997 days left.
So the starting date was: 24.05.2010
And I hope I will have reached most of my goals by: 19.02.2013
These are my goals:
1. Get my IB Diploma
2. Kiss in the rain
3. Take part in NaNoWriMo
4. Read 50 books
5. Visit Paris
6. Take a picture with Tokio Hotel
7. Swim with dolphins
8. Organize a suprise party for someone
9. Watch the sun go down in the sea
10. Visit 5 cities I've never been to
11. Get my first boyfriend
12. Get a 7 (out of 7) on my report for English
13. Identify 50 things that make me happy
14. Go on a rollercoaster with a looping
15. Visit Hamburg again
16. Be in the audience of a television show
17. Make a list of 25 things I like about myself
18. Dance in the rain
19. Visit the USA
20. Buy a new lens for my camera
21. Start studying at university
22. Make an inspirational scrapbook
23. Make at least 5 new friends
24. Donate at least 10 Euros to charity
25. Finish a book in a day
26. Cook an entire meal by myself
27. Take a picture of something different every day for a month
28. Give my brother a Green Day related birthday present
29. Take another photography workshop/class
30. Go on a holiday without parents
31. Have a picnic
32. Organize an amazing party for my 18th birthday
33. Bake cupcakes/muffins at least 5 times
34. Document a day in the life of Loes in photos
35. Make churros
36. Lose 5 kg
37. Post 1 article on my blog every day for a month
38. Organize a fundraiser for charity
39. Dye (part of) my hair in an abnormal (bright) colour
40. Make a list of all the compliments that make me really happy including who I got them from
41. Polish all my fingernails in a different colour (that means 10 different colours!)
42. Get a totally different new haircut
43. Swim in the sea at night
44. Get at least 2 people to also make a 101 in 1001 list
45. Graduate with at least 38 points
46. Make at least 2 photo albums
47. Hug a famous person
48. Give a random present to one of my close friends at least 2 times
49. Go on a date with a boy
50. Get a job
51. Be able to run 5 km in 25 minutes or less
52. Have a candelight dinner with a boy
53. Expand my English vocabulary by 100 words
54. See the Northern Lights
55. Make and finish at least 3 things from cutoutandkeep.net or instructables.com
56. Finish Wreck this Journal
57. Finish part 1 (0-5 km) of Start to Run
58. Be able to have a conversation with someone in Spanish
59. Read at least 3 books in German
60. Sell things I don't use anymore at a flea market
61. Print out this list and keep it in my room
62. Start learning a new language
63. Buy another pair of shoes with heels
64. Make a snow angel
65. Create a playlist of 101 songs that make me happy
66. Sleep outside at night
67. Complete the 5000 question survey
68. Get taken/asked on stage at a concert
69. Donate money at the 'Glazen Huis' of 3fm when it is in Leiden in 2011
70. Make ice cream
71. Attend an award show (for example Viva Comet or the EMA's)
72. Donate 100,000 grains of rice at freerice.com
73. Read a Spanish book
74. Let my hair grow out so I have my natural colour again
75. Try on (and if they are nice buy) Dr. Martens shoes
76. Back up the things on my computer at least 5 times
77. Have 1500 songs in my Itunes
78. Go to Pinkpop
79. Go to at least 5 concerts
80. Go to at least 5 festivals
81. Have another high tea with friends
82. Go see at least 5 movies at the cinema
83. Meet up with Yolanda, Yascha and Kim (at the same time)
84. Don't eat any candy (this includes chocolate) for a week
85. Bake a birthday cake for someone
86. Visit Spain for a holiday
87. Send at least 50 cards and/or letters to friends
88. Take pictures in a photo booth
89. Complete a 1000 piece puzzle
90. Go see at least 2 plays or musicals
91. Try 5 new tea flavours
92. Drink at least 4 glasses of water every day for a month
93. Visit London again
94. Get a new Ipod with at least 16 GB
95. Spend a whole day in my PJ's when I'm not ill
96. Do a photo shoot with at least 1 friend
97. Go to a concert of a band I've never seen live
98. Take a picture of a particular place every season
99. Join in a 5 km run
100. Post something on my blog at least 101 times
101. Learn to ice skate
I know some of these goals are completely random, but that's how I am. They are just things I'd like to have done in those 1001 days, and I believe most of them will enrich my life in one way or another.
"Without you there's no reason for my story, and when I'm with you I can always act the same <3"
Busy busy busy
I'm sorry I haven't posted anything for a week, but I've been quite busy with school and I don't have much inspiration for a post either...
And this is only a very short post because I have no idea what to write, I'll write a longer post again in the weekend :]
Test: Lush Dark Angels Face Cleanser
I decided that it might be interesting if I start writing reviews of different (beauty) products I use, so you can find out if they are good products or not before you buy them. So here is the first test.
Lush Dark Angels
I don't know if you know the shop Lush, but they sell 'Fresh handmade cosmetics' and their products have not been tested on animals. The products are quite expensive, but I think they are worth the money! This also goes for the Dark Angels Face Cleanser. This product is a scrub that can be used to clean the young and oily skin once or maximum twice a week. It promises to exfoliate and deeply clean the skin and leave it behind nice and soft.
How do you use this scrub? You don't need much, take a bit the size of a coin and mix it with a few drops of water. It should turn into a paste that you can scrub over your face. Once you finished scrubbing you wash the scrub off with water. What I do is make sure my hair is not hanging in my face using a hairband, remove my make-up, scrub my face using Dark Angels, wash off the scrub with water, clean my face with my usual Tea Tree facewash and then put my usual Tea Tree 24 hour cream on. This results in a wonderfully soft and clean face, and the feeling lasts at least until the next day! I personally think it's a great product, that does exactly what it promises and it is defenitely worth the money.
The Dark Angels Face Cleanser costs € 9.25 for 100 g.
Home makeover
No, we're not joining the show 'Extreme Home Makeover'. We're not quite going that extreme and just making a few changes in the house!
My parents have wanted new furniture ever since we moved here 2 years ago. To make the interior of the house extra special they looked for an interior architect. He made a floorplan with furniture and new stairs in the living room. Our kitching and living room are one 'room' but they are split level. This means they are not at the same level. We had stairs and a small 'fence' of glass parted the kitchen from the living room. These stairs are going to change into long steps, that stretch along the whole wall where the stairs were. In the middle there will be the part where you can get down and the rest will be used for the TV and storage or display. Yes, it's hard to explain but I will take pictures once it's all finished! Also the walls will be plastered white. When this is all finished the furniture can be put in, but I can't tell you anything about that because I don't know much myself.
Last Thursday the workers arrived and they started taking away the stairs in the living room and covering the floors with wooden boards so they don't get damaged. They also took away a wall from our shower, but my parents still need to order a new wall so for the moment we are showering in an open shower. Later they will work in my room as well, I have a cupboard that takes up nearly all of one wall and that will be taken away. Then they will paint the wall behind it white (it's orange now).
I honestly can't wait till it's finished in about 3 or 4 weeks time!
Celebrate the freedom!
Yesterday Eline and I went to the 'Bevrijdingsfestival' in The Hague to celebrate the freedom of our country, The Netherlands. This year was the 65th anniversary of the freedom of The Netherlands, so it was an extra special celebration.
Camiel <3
We chose to celebrate this in The Hague because All Missing Pieces was performing there. The rest of the line-up was pretty bad, but All Missing Pieces was great! We managed to get a spot right up front, against the fences. Suprisingly, there was no pushing or mosh pits (which does happen sometimes at performances of All Missing Pieces), so we had quite a bit of breathing space which was nice. All Missing Pieces rocked the stage with loads of songs from their new album! Eventhough Camiel's guitar kept breaking down and the soles of one of his shoes ripped (and then he threw both shoes into the crowd), they still had a really good performance.
When the performance finished, Eline and I decided to go eat something. We decided to go to Vapiano, which wasn't far from the square where the festival had taken place. On our way there we strolled over the funfair for a bit. At Vapiano we both had a pizza and as a desert we got cotton candy at the funfair.
Eline and me with cotton candy, imitating fish.
It was a great day, even though the temperatures were quite low for May (as you can see we were wearing our winterjackets). We had a lot of fun!
Some new things :]
I just came back from shopping with my mom and brother, and I bought 2 new tops and new sportspants. I have pictures of the tops, the sportspants are just plain black with white stripes on the sides.
These are the tops:
I'll wear the pink top under the white one, because the white one shines through.
Also, last Saturday the shoes I ordered at the CosmoGirl Shop with a great discount arrived!
Yes, they are Etnies! :]
Chocolate cupcakes!
A few weeks ago, my friend Yascha gave me a book with 500 recipes for cupcakes. Today I tried one of the recipes: chocolate cupcakes with chocolate buttercream.
This is the recipe:
Classical chocolatecakes with chocolatebuttercream
(for approximately 18 cakes)
Ingredients for the cakes
230 g soft butter
230 g very fine sugar
175 selfrising bakingflour
1 teaspoon baking powder
4 tablespoons cacaopowder
4 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
Ingredients for the icing
300 g (broken) pure chocolate
2 tablespoons whipped cream
115 g soft butter
300 g sieved powdered sugar
How to make
Pre-heat the oven at 175 degrees (or 2-3 for gas ovens). Take a muffintray with 18 spaces and line with paper liners. Mix all ingredients for the cakes in a big bowl using a mixer. Mix for 2-3 minutes so the batter is smooth. Put the batter into the shapes in the tray. Bake the cakes for 20 minutes. Take the tray out of the oven and leave for 5 minutes. Take out the cakes and let them cool down. For the icing, put the butter and the chocolate in a pan and put it on low heat. Stir till everything has mixed. Take the pan of the fire and stir the powdered sugar through the chocolate till it's a smooth mixture. Put some of the mixture on each cake.
Note from me:
I discovered that the powdered sugar for the icing is way to much (it makes the icing, which should be creamy, way too thick), you could use way less or maybe even no powdered sugar. I also left out the whipped cream, because it doesn't come back in the recipe. I think they just use it as a topping for the cakes. By the way, I translated the recipe from Dutch and I'm not a very good translator so some things might sound a bit weird.
Apart from that, the cupcakes are really delicious!
All Missing Pieces
This picture wasn't taken by me, credit goes to Eefje Lammers (whoever that is).
All Missing Pieces is one of my favourite bands. It's a young band consisting of 3 brothers (Camiel Meiresonne, Quinten Meiresonne and Wrister Meiresonne) and some other extra musicians. They come from The Hague and are not very famous yet, but their fanbase is growing. I can't really describe the music they make, it's a little alternative I guess.
I first came in touch with their music at Appelpop 2008, when Eline told me they were meant to be quite good so we went to watch them. Right away I thought they were awesome, the guys have so much energy when they are on the stage! A month later I attended a fan day in The Hague and I managed to get pictures with the guys, autographs and Camiels guitar pick. I haven't seen them since October 2008, but they recently brought out their first album (Virtue.Mine.Honour) which is making me fall in love with this band all over again! I will be seeing them next week, at the 'Bevrijdingsfestival' in The Hague.
Just listen to some of their songs and tell me what you think:
Infinity (new song)
Busdriver (old song)
Love the Look!
Again I found a look of Audrey Kitching that I absolutely love!
Isn't it so amazing?
I love how the leggings with the bows make the outfit really cute eventhough she's wearing a 'rough' leather jacket and shoes.
I wish I could steal her outfits.
Annabell's blog, hard work and beautiful weather!
Before I start blogging about my quite boring life, I want to tell you about Annabell's blog!
Annabell is one of my best friends, she lives in Hamburg, and she started a blog on onsugar as well.
Have a look and start following her :]
This morning I woke up early. Yes I woke up at half past 7 on a Saturday morning. Crazy huh?
But I still had to do some Community & Service hours, and at my brothers archery club they needed some help to prepare the new building for use. So my mom, my brother and I spent a few hours in the sun sanding the outside of the building so that it can be painted. It was tiring, but it was nice because the weather is great today!
Since the weather is getting better and better my dad cleaned our garden chairs and table today, so we can sit outside again. Tomorrow we'll probably go bike somewhere because the weather is meant to be even better! I want to enjoy the weather tomorrow as much as possible, so I'm going to do some homework now so that I don't have to do it tomorrow.
By the way: last weekend I got accepted to write for the 'Roomservice' the amateur magazine of the Tokio Hotel Dutch Street Team!
I really wanted to write for them because it is good practice for my journalist skills, since I want to become a journalist. So I'm happy =D
I haven't posted in ages again... sorry =O
Last weekend 2 of my friends, Yascha and Kim came over. They were still coming over for my birthday, which was on the 6th of March. So they still had some presents for me as well! From Yascha I got 3 lollies and a book with recipes for 500 cupcakes. I'm going to bake something from the book in the May holidays. From Kim I got 4 bracelets, which I've been wearing everyday since Saturday and 4 nailpolishes (lilac, brownish/greyish, dark purple and peach).
On Saturday we went shopping in Leiden together. I bought a new blue nailpolish, a belt with studs and the album Virtue.Mine.Honour from All Missing Pieces. We spent the evening at a playground nearby my house. We took jumping pictures and played on the seesaw and the swings. Yes we are childish, haha xD
Kim stayed over at my house till Sunday evening. On Sunday we were bored so my mom suggested that we could bike to the flowerfields in Noordwijk. So we biked to Noordwijk and then randomly took some route. We ended up in Katwijk and lost the route we were following, so we decided to go back home. I'm proud that we didn't use a single map, because I never biked there! In total we biked for about 3 hours through flower fields, dunes and past the sea. It was really nice, and the weather was great.
And the last few days I haven't really been doing much except for homework...
This morning the sportive person in me came to the surface. Yes, I went running! My condition is really bad, so I want to improve it by going running twice a week, on Sunday and Thursday. And I also would like to lose some weight.
Today I went for about 15 minutes. Ofcourse I didn't run the whole time, but I think I did quite well! And I actually can't wait till I'm going again on Thursday!
Yesterday I went to Eline, we went shopping in Zoetermeer. I bought a blue shirt with Snoopy eating an ice cream at the Sting and bath tea from Blond.
After the shopping we went to 'Alice in Wonderland', we watched it in 3D. I had never watched a movie in the cinema in 3D, only documentaries in special 3D cinemas. I liked the movie, but in my opinion the 3D didn't add much to the movie. And you had to pay 10,50 euros, while movies normally cost about 7 or 8 euros! After the movie we biked back to her house, had dinner and then we took crazy pictures. We had fun with heart lollies and also made a video on music that we really don't like, metal with a lot of screaming. Here is one of the pictures we took:
Beautiful Day!
Today I only had to leave for school at 11:00.
And the weather was beautiful today! So I biked to school in my summer coat for the first time and I had my shades on :]
On the way back I didn't even wear my jacket.
Finally spring is coming, it was such a beautiful day!
But they say the rest of the week the weather is not going to be very good....
It's testweek and today I had my history test and my english oral about a poem.
My history test was an essay test and you had to pick one of the 4 questions and answer that in an essay. They were all about Hitler and Roosevelt. I picked the question in which you had to explain why a dictatorship can be effective in the case of a crisis. I think that went okay, I'm quite good at writing essays.
Then I had to wait for my English oral. I sat outside with some friends, the weather was so nice!
For the English oral you had to prepare 3 poems. When you came into the room there were 4 piles of 3 sheets with checklists and poems. You couldn't see the poems so you didn't know which one you could get. I ended up getting Sonnet 22 by some lady, I forgot her name xD
Then you got 10 minutes preparation time, and you weren't allowed to have anything with you only a pen/pencil. I just jotted down a lot of things I remembered about the poem in that time. After that you had to come back to the teacher and do your oral, which had to take about 10 minutes. It didn't feel like mine took 10 minutes, but apparently I did really well! We got 3 grades (for the knowledge you had about the poem, the presentation and your language) and I got a 9 for all of them! I actually can't believe she really said that right now....
But I have to go know, like I told you it's testweek and I have to study for biology and math!
New stuff :]
Yes I went shopping today!
I was actually only going to Leiden to see if there were some new bikinis and some nice stuff at the H&M. I ended up buying quite a lot of things.
I already took pictures:
A Hello Kitty pencilcase, isn't it so adorable?
It has 3 parts, which is good because then my stuff won't get mixed up as much.
And I really needed a new pencilcase, because my old one which I've had for just a year is falling apart.
All Time Low's CD 'Nothing Personal'! Eventhough I already downloaded all the songs, I felt like buying the album. I really love the band and there's some extra's on the CD so that's great!
A new bikini, blue with white dots. It's from Freya. I love that brand, especially because they sell swimwear and underwear for young women and they also sell big sizes!
4 Hello Kitty erasers, to put in my new Hello Kitty pencilcase! Aren't they cute?
A new skirt for the summer, white with blue stripes. I think it's really cute for summer and it's not too short. It reaches to just above my knees. Can't wait to wear it!
A simple blue tanktop. I usually put them under white shirts, because they always shine through so much. But when it's very hot I'll wear it just like this.
A shirt with Hello Kitty as a hippy. Yes, I am sort of obsessed with Hello Kitty.
A black and white striped tanktop with Minnie Mouse on it. I know it looks weird on the picture but it's quite cool in real.
And last but not least, a pinkish shirt with a smiley! I saw this when I was already in line to pay, it was hanging somewhere randomly. There was only one of them there and it was exactly my size! Yay :]
I also bought 3 pairs of underwear, but I don't think that's interesting for you to see xD
I really can't wait till summer now, I want to wear my new clothes!
Long weekend!
Finally there is a long weekend!
But guess what? The school decided it's funny to make us study over Easter. Our testweek is starting on Tuesday. That means I'll have to spend quite a bit of time studying. Luckily I don't have to study that much to get good grades, so I'll just study as much as I think I need to. But I'm not going to let it ruin my long weekend!
Yesterday I had my last chemistry class ever! And the teacher wasn't even there... we had the headmaster as a sub. We had to do a practice test which really confused me so I'll have to study quite hard for my chemistry test. And then I will never see chemistry in my life again! I also had my last art class ever yesterday. I still have to finish my workbook and hand it in next week, but that's not too bad. Also, I will never have a DCT lesson in my life again! I'm not anywhere near finishing my project though, so I'll have to work hard in the times we get next week to finish it.
One more term of school and then it's finally summer holidays! I'm looking forward to that so much.
Then I only have 2 years left at this school! :]
Happy Birthday to Georg!
Yes today it's Georg Listing's [Tokio Hotel's bass player] birthday!
He's turning 23!
Well Georg, even though you won't read this: have a great day and eat a lot of cake and get a lot of presents [von Universaaaaaal... rippeeeeen? o__o]