
Annabell's blog, hard work and beautiful weather!

Before I start blogging about my quite boring life, I want to tell you about Annabell's blog!
Annabell is one of my best friends, she lives in Hamburg, and she started a blog on onsugar as well.
Have a look and start following her :]

This morning I woke up early. Yes I woke up at half past 7 on a Saturday morning. Crazy huh?
But I still had to do some Community & Service hours, and at my brothers archery club they needed some help to prepare the new building for use. So my mom, my brother and I spent a few hours in the sun sanding the outside of the building so that it can be painted. It was tiring, but it was nice because the weather is great today!

Since the weather is getting better and better my dad cleaned our garden chairs and table today, so we can sit outside again. Tomorrow we'll probably go bike somewhere because the weather is meant to be even better! I want to enjoy the weather tomorrow as much as possible, so I'm going to do some homework now so that I don't have to do it tomorrow.

By the way: last weekend I got accepted to write for the 'Roomservice' the amateur magazine of the Tokio Hotel Dutch Street Team!
I really wanted to write for them because it is good practice for my journalist skills, since I want to become a journalist. So I'm happy =D

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much & I love your blog :)
