I haven't blogged in ages. I am so busy with school, because I am in my final year. But I decided that I should try to post something once a week from now on. I would like to work in the media in the future so it might be useful to practice by writing some articles/posts! I will write about different topics, ranging from beauty to cooking to travelling, and eventually try to find my favourite thing to write about. But I will start off in this post by looking back at 2011 and welcoming 2012, a year that will bring many changes.
2011 went by really fast, it feels like it was January 2011 just a month ago. I did a lot of amazing things throughout this year. I will take you through my year in chronological order, stopping at the most amazing events that took place in my life. Some months have been skipped because nothing really interesting happened in those months.
Mosque in Marrakech
March - At the beginning of this month I went on a school trip to Morocco. We spent a few days in Marrakech, followed by a few days in the Atlas mountains. Both parts of the trip were amazing, and I certainly want to visit Morocco again. I also celebrated my 17th birthday in Marrakech!
July - In July I went to England for 10 days with my parents and brother. I wasn't there just for a holiday, I was visiting universities! I visited Royal Holloway University of London, University of Reading, Oxford, Cambridge, King's College London and Queen Mary University of London. It was a busy but fun trip because I visited some cities I had never been to before.
August - At the end of August I started my last year of high school. It's a busy year, and it feels like I have too little time to do too many things. That's the reason I didn't blog much since August.
October - In October I sent in my university application to UCAS and also got my first offer from Royal Holloway for Spanish with German. I also handed in my Extended Essay in this month.
Oriel College, Oxford
December - I went to Oxford for 3 days for interviews at Oriel College! It was a great experience to go through this process and the interviews were quite enjoyable. Eventually I got rejected though, which means I will be going to London.
As you can see it's been a busy year. 2012 won't be any different for me, especially with my exams coming up in May. Here a few big things that will happen in 2012:
March - On the 6th of March I will be turning 18! Unfortunately this is right in the middle of my mock exams and therefore I will have to celebrate the weekend after.
May - In May I will have my IB exams! I start on the 2nd of May with English paper 1 and finish on the 18th of May with Biology paper 3. I'm already looking forward to the last day, when it will finally all be over!
September - At the end of summer I will be moving to London to go to university! I still need to pick which university I will go to (either King's College or Queen Mary) but I am already really excited. This also means I will be moving out and I won't live with my parents anymore.
A very exciting year as you can see, with a few big things to look forward to! I will keep you updated on all important things that happen this year :)
One question to you, my reader: what type of post would you like to see on my blog soon?
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